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Sự khác nhau giữa so and such
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Cách dùng SO
So + Adjective/ Adverb
Use: To show extreme situation, and is often used in an exclamation.
- It’s so cold! I wish that I had a warmer coat.
- It was so hot we couldn’t work.
- She speaks so softly! It’s really difficult to hear her.
- She paints so well!
So + many/few + plural countable noun
Use: To show extremes in amount.
- I never knew you had so many brothers!
- She has so few friends! It’s really quite sad.
So + much/little + uncountable noun
Use: To show extremes in amount.
- Jame earns so much money! And he still has trouble paying the rent.
- They have so little food! We need to do something to help them.
So + adjective/ adverb…+that…+ result
Use: This shows the result of an extreme situation. The “that” is usually optional.
- The teacher speaks so softly that it’s really difficult to hear her.
So + Much/ Little/ Often/ Rarely
Use: To describe how much or how often someone does an action.
- Earl drinks so much! It’s not good for his health.
- My sister visits us so rarely! I really miss her.
Cách dùng SUCH
Such a + (adjective) + countable noun
Use: To show emphasis, and is often used in an exclamation.
- David has such a big house! I think it’s a little ridiculous.
- They’re such nice kids.
Such + (adjective) + uncountable noun
- She has such big feet that she has to buy special shoes.
- She always uses such fresh food.
Such + adjective + plural noun
- They’re such nice kids.
Such (a) + (adj) + noun +…+that…+result
Use: To show certain results of what you are saying.
- He is such an idiot that nobody wants to be his friend.
Such + noun
Use: “Such” can also mean “this type of…”
- I have never seen such a film before. (…this type of film…)
- The pilot had never flown such an airplane before. (…this type of airplane…)
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